
Abbasse fastest in KZ2

With a light, fine, even insidious rain bathing the Salbris region, the KZ2s went out onto the track for Sunday’s timed practice. Mich, Zeferini, Nato, Krypciak, Allemann, Abbasse, Benoit, Demanse: all competed for the top of the leaderboard. In the end, the best time went to Anthony Abbasse with 1.09.299 ahead of Kevin Ludi and […]

Abbasse fastest in KZ2

With a light, fine, even insidious rain bathing the Salbris region, the KZ2s went out onto the track for Sunday’s timed practice. Mich, Zeferini, Nato, Krypciak, Allemann, Abbasse, Benoit, Demanse: all competed for the top of the leaderboard. In the end, the best time went to Anthony Abbasse with 1.09.299 ahead of Kevin Ludi and Pierre Krypciak.


Ken Alleman, Ludi’s team-mate, was fourth, Enzo Zeferini fifth and Thomas Mich sixth ahead of Christophe Benoit and Michael Ryall who were in good shape at the end of the session. Alban Varutti was in much better shape than the day before. Norman Nato finished with the 14th time.


Info Kartcom with Kartlink

Publié le 13/04/2008

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