
Junior Prefinal

Takamoto Katsuta took the adantage at the start, while the Dutchman Van der Brand disappeared straight away at the head of the field. However the start was superb, with the first skirmish carrying on right to the podium. Claes, Zenkin and Hawkins were up there as well. Katsuta retained his position before being overtaken by […]

Junior Prefinal

Korjus-prefinale-junior.jpgTakamoto Katsuta took the adantage at the start, while the Dutchman Van der Brand disappeared straight away at the head of the field. However the start was superb, with the first skirmish carrying on right to the podium. Claes, Zenkin and Hawkins were up there as well. Katsuta retained his position before being overtaken by by both Rochford and Korjus and the Russian Okunkov edged up to fifth place. Another Japanese, Takaboshi, was catching Williams for sixth and then fifth and with the fourth fastest time the Canadian Mikarel Grenier came back to seventh. On the sixth lap, Okunkov was part of the top three and Korjus took Rochford, but the Dutchman Jack Swinkels also came too meddle in the top three. Okunkov lost ground on the eighth lap by tasting the dust of the desert, leaving Korjus and Rochford to take the flag in front of Swinkels who got a good deal by taking third place.

Publié le 01/12/2007

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