
Junior Final : Victory, Korjus !

If Junior Max started their final reasonably well, the rest of the race was breathless. Already winner of the Pre-final Kevin Korjus immediately took command of the race but he was closely followed by Caleb Williams who found an opening on the fourth lap. As so often, the long fast left after the start-line provides […]

Junior Final : Victory, Korjus !


If Junior Max started their final reasonably well, the rest of the race was breathless. Already winner of the Pre-final Kevin Korjus immediately took command of the race but he was closely followed by Caleb Williams who found an opening on the fourth lap. As so often, the long fast left after the start-line provides an opportunity for many overtaking attempts. Swinkels and Rochford followed in the seventh and fourth position but Katsuta  came back harder as Rochford lost touch. Katsuta passed Korjus and was in second position on lap six, but Korjus revived and took back his place three laps later. He even got close to Williams and tried some attacks. On the 12th lap, the South African could no longer resist and was left in the wake of both Korjus and Katsuta, and then Fujie for good measure. Rochford reappeared again in the leading quartet a lap later. Katsuta was found lacking, then Korjus, giving the positions on lap 14 as 1) Fujie, 2) Korjus and 3) Rochford. But it seems in this race the leaders do not last! Rochford and Korjus pass Fujie, then Korjus retook the lead from Rochford, and then Fujie regained the second place for a short time before again losing places.  Katsuta returned only to go off straight away, via a push into the dust. The top three then changed again, with Korjus leading with Williams taking the second place  and then Swinkels in a brief third then replaced by Fujie. Korjus then finally pulled away, but Fujie took the advantage away from Williams on the last lap.

Publié le 01/12/2007

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