
KZ: De Conto penalised, Federer the winner and Pex Champion!

  From pole position, Francesco Celenta did not hesitate and rushed ahead at the first corner ahead of Marijn Kremers and Paolo De Conto. Jérémy Iglesias and Bas Lammers made a fantastic start to take 4th and 5th, unlike Jorrit Pex who dropped to 8th behind Rick Dreezen and Fabian Federer. As expected, De Conto […]

KZ: De Conto penalised, Federer the winner and Pex Champion!



From pole position, Francesco Celenta did not hesitate and rushed ahead at the first corner ahead of Marijn Kremers and Paolo De Conto. Jérémy Iglesias and Bas Lammers made a fantastic start to take 4th and 5th, unlike Jorrit Pex who dropped to 8th behind Rick Dreezen and Fabian Federer.

As expected, De Conto was one of the fastest on the track and showed it by passing Kremers. Lammers did the same to Iglesias, who remained almost European Champion, but the positions were extremely tight in terms of points between the Frenchman Iglesias, De Conto and Pex.

The situation quickly became complicated for Iglesias, who lacked a little in performance to resist the assault from his pursuers. However, De Conto was on fire! He passed Celenta and also took the virtual lead of the Championship.

Starting 8th, Federer continued to gain places. While the Italian had reached 3rd position, his compatriot Celenta was betrayed by his engine… A big disappointment after a superb weekend. De Conto crossed the finish line in front of Federer and Kremers. But the surprises hadn’t finished. De Conto got a penalty of 10 seconds and dropped to 11th. Federer won in front of Kremers and Ben Hanley returned superbly.

But above all, the title escaped De Conto, to the benefit of Pex, 5th in the slightly crazy Final behind Lammers. Pedro Hiltbrand, Marco Ardigo, Mirko Torsellini, Rick Dreezen and Patrick Hajek completed the incredible top 10. Only 14th at the finish, Iglesias is Vice Champion.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 15/07/2018

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