
The French in the race at Ampfing

  14 Frenchmen are due to take part in the thirdl round of the European Championship this weekend at Ampfing. They will be confronted with a sinuous course of 1063 m, including a critical section at the chicane. Ranked 5th in the Junior provisional standings, Victor Bernier has the best hopes for the podium this […]

The French in the race at Ampfing



14 Frenchmen are due to take part in the thirdl round of the European Championship this weekend at Ampfing. They will be confronted with a sinuous course of 1063 m, including a critical section at the chicane. Ranked 5th in the Junior provisional standings, Victor Bernier has the best hopes for the podium this year. Evann Mallet is in 19th position, Isack Hadjar in 24th and Sami Meguetounif in 25th. In OK, Franck Chappard is ranked 19th and Jules Mettetal 26th.


The news may have been surprising: Vincent Fraïsse will join the four French drivers in OK not on a Sodi as we have always seen him, but at the wheel of an factory Birel ART / TM. Ugo Gazil (KR / Parilla) should be recovered from Sarno’s injuries, while the three VDK Racing drivers Franck Chappard, Jules Mettetal and Evan Spenle will have Kosmic / Parilla equipment at its best.


Three other Frenchmen will race in the colours of VDK in Junior. Victor Bernier, recently promoted to the French Karting Team, will arrive at Ampfing with his team-mates Evann Mallet and Tom Uzan. Sami Meguetounif (Formula K / TM) and Marcus Amand (KR / Parilla) have a good card to play while Hadrien David (Kosmic / Vortex) will probably want to improve on his British performance. Loris Cabirou (Energy / TM) is more and more convincing and expects more success, while Isack Hadjar (Exprit / TM) achieving for his part some great performances.


The European Championship will finish in France, at Essay, from 2nd to 5th August.



Info Kartcom

Publié le 14/06/2018

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