
Euro KZ2 Salbris: last heats under the influence of the tyres

  No particular complaint should be made against the LeCont rubber, but the possibility of fitting the last set of new tyres upset the progress of the last Qualifying Heats of the CIK-FIA European Championship from KZ2 at Salbris. The well-placed drivers reserved their tyres for the Final, while those who needed to go all-out […]

Euro KZ2 Salbris: last heats under the influence of the tyres



No particular complaint should be made against the LeCont rubber, but the possibility of fitting the last set of new tyres upset the progress of the last Qualifying Heats of the CIK-FIA European Championship from KZ2 at Salbris. The well-placed drivers reserved their tyres for the Final, while those who needed to go all-out to be among the 34 finalists immediately used their last ammunition. Strange races followed with very significant performance differences, of the order of a second a lap between the proponents of the two strategies, not to mention the risk of crashes with serious consequences.


Kilian Meyer Prat (CRG / TM) won the E-F race since the start against Hubert Petit (Sodi / TM), who also had to give in to Lorenzo Giannoni’s fantastic comeback (CKR / TM) of 11 places and William Lanzeni (Birel ART / TM) +13 pl and the fastest lap, while Enzo Valente (Birel ART / TM) returned from 14th to 5th position ahead of Alessio Piccini (Tony Kart / Vortex). Delayed at the start of the race, Simone Cunati (Top Kart / Parilla) was forced to retire.


Giuseppe Palomba (Intrepid / TM) lost out significantly by missing his start in C-D, especially as he dropped back in the pack to 20th position. Adrien Renaudin (Sodi / TM) was able to escape in the lead, while Emilien Denner (Kali Kart / TM) immediately jumped from 12th to 2nd, as did Alessandro Giardelli (CRG / TM) from 16th to 3rd. Denner was in 1st place on lap 5, Giardelli took 2nd position, and Renaudin finished 3rd. Kevin Pieruszek (Birel ART / TM) and Max Tübben (CRG / TM) completed the top five. Palomba limited the damage in 12th place, but Thomas Landais (Sodi / TM), Jean Luyet (CRG / TM), Rokas Baciuska (Sodi / TM) TM), Paul Evrard (Kosmic / Vortex) and David Vidales (Tony Kart / Vortex) worsened their score.


Pierre Loubère (Praga / TM) and Riccardo Longhi (Birel ART / TM) started at the front of the A-B heat, but the Italian paid dearly for his impatience and went off the track at the start of the second lap. Loubère could not keep up the pace of his pursuers, and then lost a lot of ground. Giacomo Pollini took 1st place ahead of Oliver Rasmussen (Kosmic / Vortex), Alexander Schmitz (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Tom Leuillet (Sodi / TM). Pollini prevailed by a large margin, and Daniel Stell finished 4th in front of Tom Leuillet. Loubère fell to 15th.


Live report not taking into account any subsequent penalties.


Info Kartcom

Publié le 06/05/2018

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