
Simmonds on pole for the Academy at Le Mans

  Dylan Léger, Suleiman Zanfari, Jiei Okuzumi and Jordan North took first place at the head of the first timed session of the Academy Trophy at Le Mans, while the track remained very wet. Joseph Taylor finished in the lead with 1’07”112, Xavier Handsaeme was in 2nd place in the last moments ahead of North, […]

Simmonds on pole for the Academy at Le Mans



Dylan Léger, Suleiman Zanfari, Jiei Okuzumi and Jordan North took first place at the head of the first timed session of the Academy Trophy at Le Mans, while the track remained very wet. Joseph Taylor finished in the lead with 1’07”112, Xavier Handsaeme was in 2nd place in the last moments ahead of North, Melo D. Porto, Mike van Vugt, Jamie Day, Ayrton Fontecha Martinez, Zanfari and Okuzumi.


The rain stopped for the second session, Alexander Simmonds was first in front of Gabriel Nord, then Ruben Moya Lopez and Sami Meguetounif joined the top four, followed by Jasin Ferati and Tijmen van der Helm. Moya Lopez increased the pace at the end of the session, but Simmonds pushed him for pole position with 1’06”769 and van der Helm took 2nd place ahead of Moya Lopez, Nord and Meguetounif.


Simmonds took pole position against van der Helm, Moya Lopez 3rd, Taylor 4th and North 5th. Meguetounif was 6th, Handsaeme 7th, van Vugt 13th, Zanfari 17th ahead of Okuzumi and Leger 20th.


Info Kartcom / © Photo KSP

Publié le 30/06/2017

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