
CIK-FIA: spectacular races in Oviedo

The Fernando Alonso circuit, demanding of both men and machines, provided a breathtaking spectacle for the many spectators who attended the CIK-FIA European Championships near Oviedo. Once again the winner, Paolo De Conto is now guaranteed to bring the title to CRG in KZ. On the other hand, the positions have changed in the other […]

CIK-FIA: spectacular races in Oviedo

The Fernando Alonso circuit, demanding of both men and machines, provided a breathtaking spectacle for the many spectators who attended the CIK-FIA European Championships near Oviedo. Once again the winner, Paolo De Conto is now guaranteed to bring the title to CRG in KZ. On the other hand, the positions have changed in the other two categories. David Vidales Ajenjo took the lead in OK and Harry Thompson in OK-Junior.




The first CIK-FIA Competition organised on the Oviedo track had many positive aspects. The infrastructure and organisational quality were highly appreciated, as was the excellent reception from officials and volunteers. The superb Fernando Alonso Museum, which traces his career from his karting debut to his successes in Formula 1, won over the entire community. The region of Asturias is full of motorsport enthusiasts and the Races attracted an audience as numerous as it was enthusiastic to La Morgal. The victory in the OK Final for the defending World Champion Pedro Hiltbrand Aguilar, as well as the presence on the third step of the podium of another Spaniard in the person of the young hopeful David Vidales Ajenjo, provoked a beautiful moment of celebration from the Spanish supporters.


The Competition as a whole went well on a technically challenging course that requires very good physical condition to achieve good performances. This was not the case for every participant, and some effects were felt. At no time was the safety of the track faulted and the incidents that may have changed the course of the Races did not depart from the usual context of the practice of Kart racing. The equipment was put to the test on this track during the five-day run, without disrupting the running of the Competition. Overtaking was particularly frequent in OK and OK-Junior, as shown by the impressive recoveries from several drivers during the Finals.




De Conto undefeated in KZ

Since the start of the 2017 CIK-FIA European KZ Championship, Paolo De Conto (CRG / TM Racing / Bridgestone) has won all the Finals. In Oviedo, the Italian Driver added three victories in the Qualifying Heats before winning again in the Final. However, Marjin Kremers (Birel ART / TM Racing / Bridgestone) showed his ambitions by taking pole position for the Qualifying Heats, Jérémy Iglesias (Formula K / TM Racing / Bridgestone) then seized 1st place at the start of the race, then Bas Lammers (Sodi / TM Racing / Bridgestone) came back within reach of the leader at the finish, while Kremers climbed to the third step of the podium.


With a total of 100 points, De Conto can no longer be beaten and the title of CIK-FIA European KZ Champion is already assured. The fight remains open for the places of honour with Patrik Hajek (57 pts) 2nd, Marijn Kremers (53 pts) 3rd and Stan Pex (53 pts) 4th. The Championship concludes at the end of July at the Kristianstad circuit (SWE).




Fierce battles and Spanish domination in OK

The early favourites did not necessarily retain their status until the Final chequered flag. Hannes Janker (CRG / Parilla / LeCont) and Noah Milell (Kosmic / Vortex / LeCont) did not reap the rewards of their efforts in the Qualifying Practice and then at the front of the Qualifying Heats. It must be said that the grip conditions were complicated at the time of the Final with the arrival of a fine rain shower which necessitated an interruption of the Race. During the time given to fit the wet tyres, the precipitation stopped and the race could restart, on slick tyres. The track was still slightly slippery and it was easy to make mistakes. The list of retirements increased over the laps for this reason. Pedro Hilbrand Aguilar (Tony Kart / Vortex / LeCont) showed his agility by taking the lead until he was almost 2.5″ ahead at the finish line. Thomas Joyner (Zanardi / Parilla / LeCont) took advantage of these tough conditions to return from 13th to 2nd place ahead of David Vidales Ajenjo (Tony Kart / Vortex / LeCont), in front of Glenn Van Berlo (CRG / Parilla / LeCont) and Paavo Tonteri (Tony Kart / Vortex / LeCont) after a 20-place climb.


David Vidales Ajenjo is in the lead of the provisional ranking of the CIK-FIA European Championship with 45 points, ahead of Clément Novalak (37 pts) and Theo Pourchaire (35 pts), while Pedro Hilbrand Aguilar made his way directly to 4th place with the 30 points from Oviedo.




OK-Junior: Michelotto wins, Thompson takes command

Three drivers competed during the Qualifying stages of the second Competition of the 2017 CIK-FIA European Junior Championship: Christopher Lulham (Tony Kart / Parilla / Vega), Harry Thompson (FA Kart / Vortex / Vega) and Zane Maloney (FA Kart / Vortex / Vega). However, the winner of the Final was not part of this stellar trio. Jack Doohan (FA Kart / Vortex / Vega) could also have claimed victory, as well as Dexter Patterson (Exprit / TM Racing / Vega) or Ilya Morozov (Tony Kart / Vortex / Vega). As for Jonny Edgar (Exprit / TM Racing / Vega), he won on the track by gaining 16 places but then lost due to a fairing penalty after the finish and was not the only one. Mattia Michelotto (Zanardi / Parilla / Vega) completed a superb race and beat the protagonists on the wire at the end of a 15-place climb. Lulham and Thompson accompanied him on the podium, with Maloney taking 4th place ahead of Hugo Sasse (CRG / Parilla / Vega), who finished 5th from 31st place at the start.


Thompson (45 pts) is ahead of Jonny Edgar (36 pts) in the provisional ranking of the CIK-FIA European Junior Championship, Christopher Lulham (30 pts) is 3rd ahead of Gabriel Bortoleto (28 pts) and Zak O’Sullivan (25 pts).



Info CIK-FIA / © Photos KSP

Publié le 13/06/2017

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