
KZ2 Qualifying: Best Time for Iglesias

  Riccardo Longhi (Birel ART / TM), Jérémy Iglesias (Formula K / TM) and Rick Dreezen (Birel ART / Vortex) monopolised the top of the ranking of the first timed session in KZ2. Fabian Federer (CRG / TM) then joined the fastest, but it was Iglesias who set the fastest time with 46”745 ahead of […]

KZ2 Qualifying: Best Time for Iglesias



Riccardo Longhi (Birel ART / TM), Jérémy Iglesias (Formula K / TM) and Rick Dreezen (Birel ART / Vortex) monopolised the top of the ranking of the first timed session in KZ2. Fabian Federer (CRG / TM) then joined the fastest, but it was Iglesias who set the fastest time with 46”745 ahead of Federer, Dreezen, Longhi and Marco Ardigo (Tony Kart / Vortex).


In the second session, Ben Hanley (Croc Promotions / TM), Andrea Dalé (CRG / TM) and Alessio Piccini (Tony Kart / Vortex) opened the scoring. Giuseppe Palomba (Intrepid / TM) came 3rd in front of Matteo Vigano (Tony Kart / Vortex). Hanley was the fastest in 46”901 ahead of Dalé and the surprising Tom Leuillet (Sodi / TM), with Palomba 4th and Vigano 5th.

Sodi led the third session, with Alex Irlando (Sodi / TM) ahead on the last lap, ahead of Bas Lammers (Sodi / TM), while Fuoco was 3rd in front of Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM). 5th fastest time went to Felice Tiene (Birel ART / TM).

The track was slower in the later sessions with seven drivers from the first session in the top eight and Iglesias took pole position in KZ2 ahead of Federer, Dreezen and Longhi, with Alex reaching the 5th place in the overall standings.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 17/02/2017

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