
Switzerland’s Légeret sets the fastest time in the Academy Trophy

  The Academy Trophy drivers took to the track in the sun for their two timed sessions. In the first, Konstantinos, Lucas Légeret, Murilo Della Coletta, Illya Zamula, and Richard Verschoor competed for the fastest time for a while. Rinus Van Kalmthout and Alexander Vromant mixed in the fight in the last two minutes. Positions […]

Switzerland’s Légeret sets the fastest time in the Academy Trophy



The Academy Trophy drivers took to the track in the sun for their two timed sessions. In the first, Konstantinos, Lucas Légeret, Murilo Della Coletta, Illya Zamula, and Richard Verschoor competed for the fastest time for a while. Rinus Van Kalmthout and Alexander Vromant mixed in the fight in the last two minutes. Positions changed with each lap before the chequered flag froze the fastest time with Légeret – 54” 563 – ahead of Van Kalmthoout, Verschoor 3rd, Zamula 4th and Vromant 5th.

Xavier Lloveras Brunet moved ahead in the second session – 54” 866 – in mid-session ahead of Ross Martin. Max Hesse was then inserted into second position followed later by Hikaru Kogure. Unlike the first session, no improvement occured in the final minutes.

Pole remained with Lucas Légeret of Switzerland. 



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 11/07/2014

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