
Dale, polesitter in KZ2 at Lonato (updated)

  With a time of 42” 414, Andrea Dale (CRG / Maxter) was the fastest of the 71 KZ2 competing at the Winter Cup in 2014. Polesitter in Group 2 with 42” 490, Flavio Camponeschi (Tony Kart / Vortex) took second place ahead of Marco Zanchetta (Maranello / TM), Jordon Lennox-Lamb (CRG / Maxter) lost […]

Dale, polesitter in KZ2 at Lonato (updated)



With a time of 42” 414, Andrea Dale (CRG / Maxter) was the fastest of the 71 KZ2 competing at the Winter Cup in 2014. Polesitter in Group 2 with 42” 490, Flavio Camponeschi (Tony Kart / Vortex) took second place ahead of Marco Zanchetta (Maranello / TM), Jordon Lennox-Lamb (CRG / Maxter) lost his 4th place as he was underweight, Kozlinski (Intrepid / TM) was therefore in 4th, Marco Ardigo (Tony Kart / Vortex) was 5th. Douglas Lundberg (Alpha / TM) took an interesting 6th position in the class, while Davide Fore (CRG / TM), the leader in group 3, is only 12th overall. Bas Lammers (Formula K / Parilla) was 14th ahead of Paolo De Conto (Birel / TM), Ben Hanley (ART GP / TM) 18th ahead of Thomas Laurent (Tony Kart / Vortex).



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 21/02/2014

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