
WSK Master Series Precenicco, preview 2

  The third round of the WSK Master Series from 2nd to 5th May in Precenicco (Italy), with the leaders Verstappen (NL – CRG-TM KZ2), Boccolacci (F – Energy-TM KF), Lorandi (I – Tony Kart-Vortex KFJ) and Maini (IND – Tony Kart-LKE 60Mini).   In pursuit of Verstappen in KZ2. Thanks also to his recent […]

WSK Master Series Precenicco, preview 2



The third round of the WSK Master Series from 2nd to 5th May in Precenicco (Italy), with the leaders Verstappen (NL – CRG-TM KZ2), Boccolacci (F – Energy-TM KF), Lorandi (I – Tony Kart-Vortex KFJ) and Maini (IND – Tony Kart-LKE 60Mini).


In pursuit of Verstappen in KZ2. Thanks also to his recent success in the WSK European Series, the Italian Riccardo Negro (DR-TM-Bridgestone) has definitely gained momentum and he is now close to the KZ2 leader, the Dutch Max Verstappen (CRG-TM-Bridgestone). On the Italian circuit the odds are in Negro’s favour: the Italian driver can finally close the gap and take over leadership. A further sign of the thrilling final sprint in this category is the fourth position of Charles Leclerc (ART GP-TM-Bridgestone). The driver from Monaco aim at the final podium of the Series, in a challenge that sees another Italian driver involved: Paolo De Conto (Birel-TM-Bridgestone), currently second ahead of Negro.


Boccolacci leads the KF. Close quarters combat also in KF, where the French Dorian Boccolacci (Energy-TM-Vega) is the favourite for the victory of the WSK Master Series, as well as it is happening in the European Series. In this category the Croatian Martin Kodric (FA Kart-Vortex-Vega) is ascendant: he, too, recently achieved good results in the European series, as well as the English Ben Barnicoat (ART GP-TM-Vega). The two drivers – third and fourth of the standings – are aiming at the Polish Karol Basz’s second position (Tony Kart-Vortex-Vega), a goal they can get right in Precenicco.


In KF Junior Lorandi is on the run. The Italian Alessio Lorandi (Tony Kart-Vortex-Vega) has a wide lead in the KF Junior standings, even though the English Lando Norris (FA Kart-Vortex-Vega) – the emerging talent of this category – is in pursuit and stands a good chance to close the gap. However, the ranking of this category is still very uncertain and there are still many drivers who can aim at the final victory: the Russian Nikita Sitnikov (Tony Kart-BMB-Vega), the Canadian Parker Thompson (Energy-TM-Vega), the Russian Nikita Mazepin and the Italian Leonardo Pulcini (both on Tony Kart-Vortex-Vega).


Maini aim at success in 60 Mini. The Indian Kush Maini (Tony Kart-LKE-Le Cont) has to keep at bay the Spanish Eliseo Martinez (CRG-LKE-Le Cont), his most dangerous rival in the race for the title of the 60 Mini. Martinez, after his victory in the WSK Euro Series, wants to try to snatch the WSK Master Series leadership from his rival’s hands, currently at the head of the standings. The Swedish Rasmus Lindh (Top Kart-LKE-Le Cont) – currently in third position – is another driver who can play an important role in the crucial races.



Info & Photo WSK Promotion

Publié le 02/05/2013

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