
Collard, Leclerc and Hubert the top three in the heats

  There was a perfect score for the British driver Ricky Collard (ART GP) in the heats with 4 wins out of 4 races, so he will start from pole position for the first prefinal, but also the bonus of 25 championship points. Charles Leclerc, with his usual brilliance, produced a double for ART GP […]

Collard, Leclerc and Hubert the top three in the heats



There was a perfect score for the British driver Ricky Collard (ART GP) in the heats with 4 wins out of 4 races, so he will start from pole position for the first prefinal, but also the bonus of 25 championship points. Charles Leclerc, with his usual brilliance, produced a double for ART GP in second position. Anthoine Hubert (Formula K) is probably the fastest driver this weekend at Angerville. With 3 wins, trouble from the starter forced him down to last in his fourth and final heat. He made a special recovery up to sixth position.

Martin Mortensen (Formula K) was very impressive in terms of speed, ranked fourth, while Henry Easthope (Sodi) remains on the list of favorites. There was a good performance from the Australian Joseph Mawson (Top Kart) ahead of the Spanish driver German Villanueva (Formula K) 6th, the Dutchman Dave Blom (Formula K) eighth, Matthew Graham (Zanardi) ninth and the Russian Seva (Vsevolod) Gagen (Parolin ) 10th. Surprisingly, Marco Maestranzi (PCR) is 28th, Ben Barnicoat (ART GP) 29th and Thiago Vivacqua (Zanardi) 33rd, while Federico Savona (Top Kart) and Sam Webster (ART GP) did not qualify.

In the French clan, things are pretty good: Enzo Marchetti (PCR) and Jules Gounon (Sodi) qualified honorably in 14th and 15th, Luca Midali (Zanardi), Hubert Petit (Sodi), who was fast but unlucky and Antoine Rocard (Sodi), usually a Rotax driver, are together in 22nd, 23rd and 24th places.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 25/08/2012

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