
Euro KF3: Russell doubles the stakes

At the PF International Circuit, the European KF3 Championship title was taken by the Briton George Russell, winner of two Races and already title-holder.     European KF3 Champion in 2011 on his first attempt at the title, the Briton George Russell (Intrepid-Vortex) has now become the first Driver to win two consecutive European titles […]

Euro KF3: Russell doubles the stakes

Russel_Euro_KF3_PFI_2012.jpgAt the PF International Circuit, the European KF3 Championship title was taken by the Briton George Russell, winner of two Races and already title-holder.



European KF3 Champion in 2011 on his first attempt at the title, the Briton George Russell (Intrepid-Vortex) has now become the first Driver to win two consecutive European titles in the “Juniors” category (for 13-15 year-olds). George had already confirmed his standing as favourite at the first meeting in Varennes, by winning the first Race before becoming the victim of a rival braking too late at the first bend of the second joust. On his home turf, in Brandon, George did not suffer the slightest mishap. Only 30th after qualifying practice, the title-holder was never put out and gradually climbed through the pack to take 7th place on the grid for the first of the two English Races. From then on, George was scintillating, winning both Races with flying colours to take his personal score to three victories … with only three results being retained to decide the Championship!


During the first Race, I made a great start and after that I was able to pass my rivals one by one,” heexplained. “In the second, Martin Kodric took the lead and each time I overtook him, he attacked again immediately, fearing I might escape. Once I had succeeded hammering the advantage home, it was effectively all over and I took my second win.


Behind this undisputed leader, the scenario was different each time. First of all it was the Frenchman Dorian Boccolacci (Intrepid-TM) and the Croatian Martin Kodric (FA Kart-Vortex) who stood with him on the podium, as they had done in the first Race in Varennes. Behind the Briton Connor Jupp (Energy-Vortex) and the Italian Luca Corberi (Kosmic-Vortex), 4th and 5th, the Spaniard Alex Palou gained some important Championship points, having arrived at Brandon leading the competition. Also in the Top 10 for this first Race were the Briton Darius Karbaley (FA Kart-Vortex), the Frenchman Gabriel Aubry (Birel-TM), the Finn Joonas Lappalainen (Ninar-Vortex) and the Romanian Petru Gabriel Florescu (Zanardi-Parilla).


During the second Race, Martin Kodric and Dorian Boccolacci were leading the chase behind George Russell when the two Drivers collided, both losing ground as a result of the incident. Luca Corbieri then surged ahead to take second place ahead of Petru Gabriel Florescu, the Romanian also posting fastest lap of the Race. Connor Jupp was alone in 4th place whilst the American Santino Ferrucci (Energy-TM) just got the better of Alex Palou for 5th place. For the Championship, the Spaniard still gained enough points to guarantee the silver medal as Dorian Boccolacci finished his fight-back in 8th place, behind the Finn Aatu Moilanen (Haase-Corsa-Vortex). Martin Kodric and Jonas Lappalainen were once again in the Top 10.


After taking three results into account (out of a maximum of four), the European KF3 Championship podium was occupied by George Russell, Alex Palou and Dorian Boccolacci. Martin Kodric finally finished behind that trio but ahead of Luca Corberi.



Info CIK / © Photo KSP 

Publié le 23/07/2012

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