
Favaro wins the Open U18 at Lonato

  The prefinal of the U18 Open Class at the Bridgestone European Cup Final in 2011, was won by Simone Favaro (Parolin) ahead of the Dane Kasper Larsen (Haase) and Andrea Sorbello (Parolin). Behind Davide Fogliatto (Parolin) two Swiss Hutless drivers Yves Von Aesch and Isabelle Von Lerber were in 5th and 6th positions, followed […]

Favaro wins the Open U18 at Lonato



The prefinal of the U18 Open Class at the Bridgestone European Cup Final in 2011, was won by Simone Favaro (Parolin) ahead of the Dane Kasper Larsen (Haase) and Andrea Sorbello (Parolin). Behind Davide Fogliatto (Parolin) two Swiss Hutless drivers Yves Von Aesch and Isabelle Von Lerber were in 5th and 6th positions, followed by Connor Dunne (Parolin). The U18 were equipped with mechanical exhaust as in KF2 and KF3 instead of the usual, for a weight gain, according to the FIM team. The sound is certainly louder, but more friendly.

For the final, Favaro rushed in ahead of Larsen and Sorbello, while Von Aesch was fourth in the wheeltracks of the Dane. Favaro had already escaped, followed by a few lengths by Sorbello. Isabelle Von Lerber had to resist the threat from Dunne. 12th and last starting, Chiara Poletto (Parolin) was already back in seventh position. Von Aesch could not seem to attack Larsen.


Now Miky Roose (Parolin) was sixth behind Dunne before the latter retired. The battle raged between Roose and Poletto. Favaro was moving towards an easy victory and second position was Sorbello’s undisputedly. Poletto passed Roose but did not stop there. Von Aesch couldn’t remove Larsen from third place. Dunne finished fifth at the end from Poletto, after a fierce duel.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 23/10/2011

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