
Incredible victory in the Prefinal for Boccolacci

  Starting from pole, Olsen got away slowly enough to interfere with Verstappen. Both drivers came off at the first right and lost a lot of time, which could be decisive for the championship. Hansson took the lead, Boccolacci took an impressive third position on the second lap then on the next lap Helgheim took […]

Incredible victory in the Prefinal for Boccolacci



Starting from pole, Olsen got away slowly enough to interfere with Verstappen. Both drivers came off at the first right and lost a lot of time, which could be decisive for the championship. Hansson took the lead, Boccolacci took an impressive third position on the second lap then on the next lap Helgheim took control at the expense of Hansson.


The top 2 escaped while the battle raged behind them. Scott and Russell took third and fourth places. On lap 5 5, Boccolacci attacked Helgheim at the hairpin at the bottom of the circuit and he made a mistake a little later, leaving the second place to Russell from Hansson.


Ocon was in around 17th and Verstappen was 20th. The fight was for second place now, Boccolacci having assured an lead of more than a second. He won well ahead of Russell and Scott gave the impression of missing the last lap. Nielsen was fourth, Hansson fifth. Besancenez was 8th until he unfortunately fell to 31st place. Ocon was 12th, Verstappen 16th.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 24/07/2011

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