
Race 3 KF1: 3rd win for De Vries

  This time, the Japanese driver Yu Kanamaru (Tony Kart / Vortex) was alongside Nyck De Vries (Zanardi / Parilla) for the start of Race 3 of the World KF1 Championship at Wackersdorf. The morning sessions led to mixed groups and new faces were placed under the spotlight as with Tereza Gromanova (Kosmic / Vortex) […]

Race 3 KF1: 3rd win for De Vries



This time, the Japanese driver Yu Kanamaru (Tony Kart / Vortex) was alongside Nyck De Vries (Zanardi / Parilla) for the start of Race 3 of the World KF1 Championship at Wackersdorf. The morning sessions led to mixed groups and new faces were placed under the spotlight as with Tereza Gromanova (Kosmic / Vortex) in 4th position. Compared to the previous day, the track conditions have changed as it is now hot on the German track with asphalt bombarded by the sun since mid-morning.

De Vries finished the first lap well ahead of Kanamaru, Basz, Vigano and Bailly. Anthoine Hubert (Sodi / Parilla) took 6th position. There was a battle for second place for Basz then he lost ground against Vigano and Bailly. D’Agosto climbed to ahead of Köykkä and Chamberlain. Vigano seized second position to the detriment of Kanamaru, Basz was glued to Bailly for 4th place which he took on lap 5.

De Vries was more than one second ahead on lap 6, but was not necessarily faster than the chasing pack, as Basz returned quickly to 3rd position. Hubert was preparing to defend from D’Agosto. Chamberlain caught them but was too late. Toman entered the top 10.

De Vries accelerated just before halfway, his equipment got properly started, as usual. He had done the work so far and now would be able to fly. Basz closed on Vigano and took 2nd place on lap 12. Albon enters the top 10 with Roussel in his wake. 4 drivers were still fighting for second place. D’Agosto was too far back to join in the fight, four seconds behind Kanamaru, especially as Toman was following closely.

On lap 18, De Vries had a 3.5” lead. Bailly then attacked Vigano to gain 3rd place. Kanamaru also attacked Vigano on the next lap. But the Italian was held off by the Japanese driver at the entrance of the last big quick right-hander.

Another clear victory for Nyck De Vries. Karol Basz second, third was Sébastien Bailly. Vigano 4th, Kanamaru 5th, Toman 6th, D’Agosto 7th, Groman 8th, Albon 9th and Roussel 10th.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 12/06/2011

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