
Drama in KZ!

  Starting in the three best places on the grid, Renaudie, Thonon and Iglesias find themselves elbow to elbow in the first hard braking zone. But an unexpected dramatic turn of events occured, when Renaudie seized, while the drivers had not yet gone 200 meters in the pre-final of KZ1/KZ2! Stuck on the outside, Thonon […]

Drama in KZ!



Starting in the three best places on the grid, Renaudie, Thonon and Iglesias find themselves elbow to elbow in the first hard braking zone. But an unexpected dramatic turn of events occured, when Renaudie seized, while the drivers had not yet gone 200 meters in the pre-final of KZ1/KZ2! Stuck on the outside, Thonon was forced to bypass the hapless PCR driver and fell behind the at the corner. One thought that Iglesias would benefit, but the French driver did not make the best start of the race. Unlike Dreezen, who took control of the race.

Behind Gatto, De Brabander (who abandoned Super KF for KZ1) and Lammers were leading the chase. Quickly, De Brabander put pressure on Gatto. Too much? Either way, Gatto spun. Seeing that he was not going to get Dreezen, a strong leader, De Brabander preferred to follow Lammers, his teammate who is fighting for the title in the Euro Series. Finally, the Belgian got a 10 second penalty, giving the 3rd place to Iglesias. Thonon was back behind them in 6th ahead of Toninelli and Hawksworth.

In KZ2, Paolo De Conto (Energy) was flawless again by beating the Czech Jan Midrla by a strong margin and female driver Beitske Visser.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP


Publié le 18/04/2010

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