
Six New Podiums for SODI

Six New Podiums for SODI Race after race, the equipment built by SODI Company confirms its competitiveness. At the GPO series round held at Essay as well as at the Bridgestone Cup in Soucy, drivers with SODI chassis did not miss the appointment with victory. Loïc Réguillon confirmed his domination by winning in KF2, while […]

Six New Podiums for SODI

Six New Podiums for SODI
Race after race, the equipment built by SODI Company confirms its competitiveness. At the GPO series round held at Essay as well as at the Bridgestone Cup in Soucy, drivers with SODI chassis did not miss the appointment with victory. Loïc Réguillon confirmed his domination by winning in KF2, while Morgan Riche prevailed in Rotax Max with a stretch of advantage over his rivals.

Six New Podiums for SODI

Réguillon Prevails Over the Best European Drivers

The Sodi Team reached mid-season with excellent results on 6-7 June, on the Grand Ouest track at Essay, where the third GPO meeting was held. SODI chassis never failed at major events and were once again very competitive in all the categories, despite changing weather conditions.
In KF2, Loïc Réguillon stood head and shoulders above his rivals in the first race. He started from the second line, but quickly reached his rivals and ran straight to victory in the pre-final. In the final, nobody was able to control the ST32 SODI of the driver from Normandy, not even the many foreign drivers who came to Essay to get ready for the forthcoming European KF2 Championship, which will be hosted on this same track. “It is all very good for the French championship, but it is also very positive with a view to the European final” Loïc declared.

KZ2: Two Top 3 for Abbasse

The ST32 model of the French constructor gave full satisfaction to drivers in KZ2. “To be able to fight for victory in each race, in France but also at international level: this is really what a driver wants”, Anthony Abbasse confessed. “At Essay, I set the best time during warm-up and Saturday’s final, then again in Sunday’s pre-final. Unfortunately, I suffered two race accidents at the start of the two finals, but they did not prevent me from fighting for victory. Each time, I reached the podium, on Saturday in the rain and as on Sunday on a dry track”.

Victory in Rotax Max

Morgan Riche (RKC Team) decided to get tough at Soucy, where the second qualifying round of the Bridgestone Cup was held. After winning the pre-final, Morgan went it all alone in the decisive race. During the whole event, which was very much appreciated by Rotax Max fans, Riche was untouchable. “The final phase was just like a dream”, Morgan stressed. “My SODI ST32 chassis – which is very easy to adjust – was simply fantastic from the first to the very last lap, so I was able to win with a margin of over four seconds”. SODI triumph was completed by the best lap in race posted by Quentin Bonnier (Ludo Racing) with his SODI ST30 and by Bruno Dos Santos’ second place in Rotax Max Master.

“An Avalanche of Podiums”

“I think the SODI Team can be very satisfied after this GPO meeting. Loïc Réguillon brilliantly won in KF2, while Jimmy Antunes achieved a formidable Super Pole on Saturday. In KF3, very young Pierre Gasly was second, with the best result among Parilla drivers. In KZ2, Anthony Abbasse, Alban Varutti, Eric Ramon and Mathias Gallepe were always in the lead pack, as they do at each race, this season. Anthony conquered two more podiums and stays in race for the title, and so does the Sodi brand in the French Constructors’ Championship. Our chassis continues to show its great potential” Nicola De Cola, SODI Team Manager

Publié le 10/06/2009

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