
An air of revenge…

An air of revenge… The six drivers who make up FFSA Karting Team France are out for revenge, not only on their rivals but in particular on themselves, inasmuch as they want to progress and express the full range of their talent. For it so happens that the big European summer meeting in Salbris didn’t […]

An air of revenge…

An air of revenge…
The six drivers who make up FFSA Karting Team France are out for revenge, not only on their rivals but in particular on themselves, inasmuch as they want to progress and express the full range of their talent. For it so happens that the big European summer meeting in Salbris didn’t turn out to be a particularly happy one for the Team France boys. They had to contend with numerous technical and mechanical problems, not to mention the prangs of which there were too many this weekend. But there was no question of getting downhearted in the ranks of the team. With Frank Lagorce firmly at the helm, everyone now has their sights set on the future and, in particular, on the world cup meeting in Mariembourg at the end of September. What with practice laps, Campus sessions organised by the Auto Sport Academy and physical training schemes there won’t be a lot of time for holidaymaking between now and then!

An air of revenge...

The full field of 72 KF2 drivers who got through the European qualifiers during July turned out for Salbris. In KF1, on the other hand, the field was much smaller, with 32 drivers competing in the third and final round of the championships. True, the outcome of the title had already been decided at the previous meeting, but that doesn’t explain why the big teams hesitated to enter their drivers. It is at least in part due to the difficulties encountered with the new generation 125cc engines that have been adopted this season. A lot of drivers have not been able to give full reign to their talent because of them. So it was with the majority of the FFSA Karting Team France drivers at Salbris. This doesn’t take anything away from the value of our drivers, nor of the quality of work they have put in. It’s these difficult conditions that are helping them forge their character, under the steady guidance of team captain Franck Lagorce. Acquiring a fighting spirit in this manner is excellent preparation for a future champion.

Antony Abbasse, Champion of France in the Elite class, came to Salbris just to watch, unable to compete in the race with his new machine. Alban Varutti started the week-end hesitantly. He found it tough going to find the right set-up in the timed laps, with both carburettor and roadholding problems. He improved with each heat and managed to get back within striking distance of the leaders each time. He was up to fourth place in race 2, tucked in just behind the Tonykart armada. But he lost his advantage in the final lap, and had to be content with finishing as the best placed Frenchman. Mike Courquin had a terrible week-end! If it wasn’t prangs and drop outs, it was mechanical problems such as broken valves which hindered him. With grit and determination, Jean-Philippe Guignet continues to do all his own engine development work. Bit by bit, and with much determination, he is gradually improving its performance.

Unfortunately, the Team France rookies racing in the KF1 class didn’t fare any better than their older team-mates. Charles Lacaze, the recently crowned 2007 French rookie Champion, was the team’s best hope for honours in Salbris. Not at all happy with his times during practice, Charles recovered brilliantly in the qualifying heats. He came fifth in the prefinal to keep his hopes alive for the final. But in the last race of the season in this turbulent category he got shunted on the very first lap so found himself back down in 24th spot. He fought his way courageously back up to 17th position, a long way off his true level. Loïc Réguillon, another driver who had found his form in Lyon to take the runners-up spot in the French rookies championship, was slowed by incessant chassis problems during timed practice. By dint of courage he managed to compensate for these problems only to fall victim to prangs in the heats and in the prefinal race, and then to a failed clutch in the final. In the final, it was Norman Nato who obtained the best result for Team France in the final. Nevertheless, he was disappointed not to be able to go for a win because of a chassis which had grip problems. Still, Norman is one of the ones who has shown the most progress this season.

An air of revenge...

An air of revenge...

Publié le 08/08/2007

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