
Encouraging performance at Castelletto despite the weather

On the track at 7 Laghi di Castelletto, the second weekend of the WSK Super Master Series again thwarted the Parolin Racing Kart team’s objectives. However, there have been good performances already to the credit of the Italian team whose ambitions remain very high for the 2017 season. “The results of this WSK Super Master […]

Encouraging performance at Castelletto despite the weather

On the track at 7 Laghi di Castelletto, the second weekend of the WSK Super Master Series again thwarted the Parolin Racing Kart team’s objectives. However, there have been good performances already to the credit of the Italian team whose ambitions remain very high for the 2017 season.

The results of this WSK Super Master round are not really in line with our ambitions, but the level of performance of our chassis is already very encouraging,” Albino Parolin commented. “We saw that Camplese could be very fast in KZ2, while Mini went well in 60 Mini. Al Habsi is making good progress in OK-Junior and he put in some good performances this weekend. We all look forward to getting out of these winter conditions to see more representative races. The team has not yet reached its cruising speed, and arrival of new drivers will allow us to develop our already competitive equipment.



Not yet very comfortable in the rain with the new Bridgestone tyres, Lorenzo Camplese (KZ2) showed excellent speed as soon as the track dried. Even though the level of grip was never exceptional, he already gained 12 positions in the last qualifying heat on Saturday while achieving the fastest lap of the race. On Sunday, he assured his qualification in the Prefinal before exploiting the full potential of his Parolin / TM in the Final. Thanks to his performances that were very close to those of the leaders, he managed to regain no less than 14 places to finish 13th in the race, making him the driver to achieve the most number of passes in the Finals while maintaining an extremely fast pace throughout the race. He set his fastest time on the last lap, demonstrating the effectiveness of his equipment over the long term.



The young driver from Oman, Shihab Al Habsi, has courageously faced weather conditions that are a very long way from those of his country. Only 47th on a very slippery track, he progressed despite the intensity of the fighting in the qualifying heats and his Parolin / Parilla was in the top 10 several times. With combativeness, Shihab managed to qualify and ranked 28th in the Final despite a motor problem that prevented him from getting a better result.



In the very competitive category of 60 Mini, Gabriele Mini again sparkled at the wheel of his Parolin / TM. He took pole position in the timed practice among the 79 participants, then dominated the qualifying heats with three wins and two fastest laps. 3rd in his Prefinal, he climbed up two places in the Final to finish 4th. Gabriele is therefore close to the leaders in 4th position of the Championship.

Parolin Racing Kart is looking forward to the next round of the WSK Super Master Series at La Conca on March 18th and 19th, to better reveal its potential.

Publié le 09/03/2017

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