
CRG and Maxter Winners in Uncle Sam’s Country

  On the American continent, where karting has an important role, CRG and Maxter were determined to achieve some excellent results at the second round of the WSK World Series, held in Millville, New Jersey. Thanks to their equipment, readily adaptable to this new environment, and to some very careful preparation work, the Italian team […]

CRG and Maxter Winners in Uncle Sam’s Country



On the American continent, where karting has an important role, CRG and Maxter were determined to achieve some excellent results at the second round of the WSK World Series, held in Millville, New Jersey. Thanks to their equipment, readily adaptable to this new environment, and to some very careful preparation work, the Italian team celebrated the victories by Jonathan Thonon in KZ2, with Gary Carlton in second place, and Max Verstappen in KF3.


Each new meeting of the WSK (Euro or World Series) gives CRG and Maxter the opportunity to store away some more victories, regardless of the circuit. This time, the “men in black” dominated the scene in the United States and climbed on the highest step of the podium. These results clearly show that the two Italian brands never rest on their laurels and that their (and their drivers’) determination to win is always very strong.


“The WSK World Series is both a top-level event where you can conquer a world title, which is recognized at international level, and a fantastic testing ground to develop our equipment ,which we market through our distributors”, CRG representatives commented. “In Super KF, for example, our performances were even better than at the previous round in Portugal, thanks to the great job done by our technicians”.




On this long track (1,660 m), CRG-Maxter drivers did not go unnoticed. In KZ2, in particular, Jonathan Thonon concluded a spotless race. He gained the pole position and won three heats, the pre-final and the final! With his second place, Gary Carlton confirmed the current superiority by CRG karts motorised with Tec-Sav Maxters.


In Super KF, Arnaud Kozlinski and Davide Forè had high hopes after the qualifying sessions that allowed them to start from the second row of the pre-final start grid. “Koko” kept his momentum in the pre-final and finished second, less than 1 second behind the winner. In the final, he suffered a small collision and lost his podium chances. Davide Forè’s 5th place was CRG drivers’ best performance, especially because luck was not on Felice Tiene’s and Eddy Tinini’s side.




Max Verstappen confirmed his championship domination in KF3 after two impressive victories in the pre-final and final. In this category, the Maxter 2010 engine shows increasingly high performances. Antonio “Speedy” Fuoco, who has recently joined the CRG Racing Team, confirmed his talent with an excellent catch-up race, where he climbed from 12th to 6th place in the pre-final; he also repeated his top performance in the final, where he conquered 4th place.


In KF2, Michelle Gatting lost contact with the leaders after she retired in one of the heats. A pity, because she had set the second best time in timed qualifying and she had kept a pretty high pace with her CRG-Maxter during the final phase. Next meeting will be in Egypt – Sharm El Sheikh – for the final round of this first WSK World Series.

Publié le 04/08/2010

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