
Excellent Results in KF and KZ

  CRG was very satisfied with the excellent results achieved by its drivers on 7 March in Muro Leccese. With Max Verstappen’s victory in KF3, Jonathan Thonon’s second place in KZ1, Michelle Gatting’s fourth place in KF2 and the level of performance shown by Arnaud Kozlinski in Super KF, CRG karts have proven their competitiveness […]

Excellent Results in KF and KZ



CRG was very satisfied with the excellent results achieved by its drivers on 7 March in Muro Leccese. With Max Verstappen’s victory in KF3, Jonathan Thonon’s second place in KZ1, Michelle Gatting’s fourth place in KF2 and the level of performance shown by Arnaud Kozlinski in Super KF, CRG karts have proven their competitiveness in all categories. Once again, CRG and Maxter brands are ready to play a major role in the WSK.


Today, WSK is the most competitive international series in karting. Imposing one’s brand, team and driver requires a lot of hard work and competitiveness. Nothing can be left to chance! In the middle of all major structures, the CRG Racing Team and the teams that use the CRG-Maxter brands were very keen on making a good impression at the first round of the WSK Euro Series on the La Conca circuit (Southern Italy). And that is exactly what happened, especially in KF3…

Max-KF3.jpg“Being competitive in KF3 was one of our priorities this season. So, Max Verstappen’s victory with his CRG-Maxter makes us very happy”, CRG declared. “After my second place at the Winter Cup, it was great to start the WSK with a double victory, in the pre-final and in the final race. The chassis and engine were perfect during the whole weekend” added young Max, who has just made his debut in KF3.

In KF2, Michelle Gatting fought with great determination. “I rolled over during free practice, so I was not in the ideal good conditions for timed qualifying”, said the Danish driver. “But my equipment worked perfectly, so I was able to climb from 41st to 17th place in the heats. I did not give up and I even reached 8th place in the pre-final and 4th in the final, with second best lap in race. The staff of VDK Racing, CRG’s Junior team, has really done a good job”.

In KZ1, Jonathan Thonon’s CRG-Maxter confirmed once more its competitiveness. Second in timed qualifying, winner of his two heats and of the pre-final with a nice advantage, then second in the final, the Belgian driver was one of the best karter of the weekend. “With the team, we were fast, reliable and regular. But at the end of the day, the temperature cooled down and the track became very cold, otherwise I think I could have won the final, too. But it was an excellent result for the WSK”, Thonon concluded.

And in Super KF, the Arnaud Kozlinski-Felice Tiene duo was always in the lead pack. “Unlike at the Winter Cup, our efforts were not rewarded by a podium, but we achieved some good results. I am already looking forward to next race”, “Koko” added.


Maxter: A Very Positive Assessment!


My compliments to our drivers who demonstrated once again, as they had done at the Winter Cup, that the hard work done for the new homologations has gone in the right direction”, a technician commented. “In KF3, Maxter has already been European Champion and Max Verstappen added another victory to the palmares of this brand. Michelle Gatting, too, did a tremendous race in KF2 and she came very close to a podium. In KZ1, Jonathan Thonon completed Maxter’s roll of honour at La Conca, while Arnaud Kozlinski could have achieved a good result in Super KF without a penalty at the start”.



Publié le 11/03/2010

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