
Happy New Year 2023 from KSP Reportages

The whole KSP team wishes you the best year 2023 on a personal and sporting level. In 2022, a simpler year than the previous ones as far as the COVID-19 pandemic is concerned, the KSP team travelled nearly 55,000 km in 7 European countries, the equivalent of 1.4 circumnavigations, to cover 48 competitions on 24 […]

Happy New Year 2023 from KSP Reportages

The whole KSP team wishes you the best year 2023 on a personal and sporting level.

In 2022, a simpler year than the previous ones as far as the COVID-19 pandemic is concerned, the KSP team travelled nearly 55,000 km in 7 European countries, the equivalent of 1.4 circumnavigations, to cover 48 competitions on 24 different circuits. Sarno (5x) and Lonato (4x) were the most frequented. The team often had to double up during these 48 weekends. The competition is already ready to resume in 2023 with the 27th Winter Cup in Lonato, which reclaims its title as the international opening race from 19 to 22 January. The season’s programme is already shaping up to be very busy with an increase in the number of international events, contrary to the desire shown last year by certain factories.

A big thank you to all our loyal customers and partners who allow us to continue this beautiful adventure and to all the fans who follow us on social networks. In particular, 2023 saw a strong increase in the number of visitors to our Instagram account, which grew by almost 60% in one year thanks to the photos and videos that complement the information we provide. Kartcom is thus able to maintain its position at the forefront of international karting communication and to continue to be a key medium.

See you soon on the tracks of France and Europe!

Info Kartcom / Photo © KSP

Publié le 14/01/2023

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