
Barbaroux fastest in DD2

Frenchman Antoine Barbaroux managed to extend his lead during the DD2 Time Trials of the RMCGF in Bahrain. He got a good pole position by distancing his direct pursuer in the odd series Gustavo Suarez (CHI) by 0,232” and the leader of the even group Gianluca Savaglio (CAN) by almost 3 tenths. Patriks Locmelis (LVA) […]

Barbaroux fastest in DD2

Frenchman Antoine Barbaroux managed to extend his lead during the DD2 Time Trials of the RMCGF in Bahrain. He got a good pole position by distancing his direct pursuer in the odd series Gustavo Suarez (CHI) by 0,232” and the leader of the even group Gianluca Savaglio (CAN) by almost 3 tenths. Patriks Locmelis (LVA) and Michael Rosina (ITA) completed the top five. Martijn van Leeuwen (NLD) was 9th ahead of Ethan Ho (USA), Glenn van Parijs (BEL) and Axel Saarnial (FIN). Nicolas Picot (FRA) was 21st and Anthony Millet (FRA) 35th, four places ahead of Petr Bezel (AUT).

Info Kartcom / Photo © KSP

Publié le 15/12/2021

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