
The engine manufacturer Cédric Sport Motors is World Champion!

At the KZ World Championship in Lonato, Jérémy Iglesias, the IPK factory and the TM Racing engines by Cédric Sport Motors clearly made the difference against competition that is always extremely sharp in a world event. The French engine manufacturer directly confronted the largest factories and the most prestigious tuners. With this success, Cédric Goudant […]

The engine manufacturer Cédric Sport Motors is World Champion!

At the KZ World Championship in Lonato, Jérémy Iglesias, the IPK factory and the TM Racing engines by Cédric Sport Motors clearly made the difference against competition that is always extremely sharp in a world event. The French engine manufacturer directly confronted the largest factories and the most prestigious tuners. With this success, Cédric Goudant has definitively entered the closed circle of the world’s most successful engine builders!

A nationally and then internationally recognised driver, Cédric Goudant put his technical skills at the service of drivers about 10 years ago with a racing team, which enjoyed magnificent success for several years. He took the opportunity to develop the engine area, which has become one of his specialties over time. At the beginning of 2018, he decided to devote himself 100% to his status as an engine tuner. Cédric Sport Motors quickly achieved success in all categories, both in France and abroad, with Rotax, OK-Junior, OK and KZ-KZ2 engines.

Constant development

The work is constant, in the workshop, on the test bench or on the track,” confirms Cédric Goudant. “I think I’m a very meticulous, rigorous and determined person. I’m always looking for maximum performance. The satisfaction of the drivers and teams who trust me is my priority. For me, the World Championship at Lonato was obviously one of the major objectives of the season, with the supply of TM Racing engines to the CPB Sport team, which represents Sodikart’s colours in KZ2, as well as to the IPK factory with the Formula K and Praga brands.

Jérémy Iglesias was one of the drivers keen to work with Cedric Sport Motors in KZ. “The challenge was high, not least because the TM factory directly supplies many KZ drivers. We had to go up against them! But the performances we achieved in 2019 with Adrien Renaudin did not go unnoticed. Adrien had come very close to the title during the previous World Championship at Lonato. For a race like this, everything has to be perfect. The experience I had as team manager also helps me to better understand the overall functioning of the equipment and the ideal fit between chassis, engine and driver. That’s how you can win, even against the factories.

Worldwide recognition with TM Racing!

4th in Timed Practice, Jérémy Iglesias gained momentum over the heats thanks to the work done in collaboration with the Formula K Racing Team and Cédric Sport Motors. His victory in the last heat on Sunday morning on a perfectly dry track confirmed the very high level of competitiveness of the French driver. His Final was perfect! After a battle with Marijn Kremers, Jeremy Iglesias managed to build up a small lead, which he then maintained with panache.

With this fabulous World Championship won by Jeremy, it is a historic victory, because no Frenchman had yet won this race in KZ. “I was shaking all the way to the end, but I am happy and proud to have contributed to this success. It wasn’t until the technical controllers returned the engine to me after taking everything apart that it began to sink in. Thomas Laurent’s world victory in KZ2 in 2015 was already a big moment, but it’s fantastic now.

Barely back in his workshop, Cédric Goudant quickly got back to work. “There are still several important deadlines in 2020, in KZ2 as well as in other categories. For example in OK-Junior where development is intensive with the official Sodikart team. I’m looking forward to the World Championship at Portimao!” Cédric Sport Motors is also available to all drivers and teams who wish to take advantage of its personalised engine rental service, in France and abroad.

Cédric Motor Sports– Press release / Photo © KSP

Publié le 07/10/2020

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